
编辑:杭州永利中心生物科技有限公司 日期:2022-05-10 13:48 浏览:

  猫白血病本病潜伏期较长,症状各异,所以在临床诊断上有一定的困难。 常见主要症状如下:消化道淋巴瘤型主要以肠道淋巴组织或肠系膜淋巴结出现B细胞淋巴瘤组织为特征。腹外触压内脏可感觉到有不同形状的肿块,肝、肾、脾肿大。临床上可见可视黏膜苍白、贫血、体重减轻、食欲减退,有时有呕吐腹泻。

  此型约占全部病例的30%。 多发淋巴瘤型全身多处淋巴结肿大,体表淋巴结均可触及到(颌下、肩前、膝前及腹股沟等)肿大的硬块。患猫表现消瘦、贫血、减食、精神沉郁等症状。 胸腺淋巴瘤型瘤细胞常具有T细胞特征,严重的整个胸腺组织被肿瘤组织所代替。有的波及纵隔前部和膈淋巴结,由于纵隔膜及厢淋巴形成肿瘤,压迫胸腔形成胸水,可造成严重呼吸困难,使患猫张口呼吸,致循环障碍,表现十分痛苦。

  进行X光照相可见胸腔有肿物的存在。临床解剖可见猫纵隔淋巴肿瘤达300-500克。该类型多见于青年猫。 淋巴白血病该类型常有典型临床症状。初期表现为骨髓细胞异常增生。由于白血细胞引起脾脏红髓扩张会导致恶性变细胞的扩散及脾脏肿大、肝脏肿大、淋巴结轻度至中度肿大。

  临床上常出现间歇热、食欲下降、机体消瘦、黏膜苍白、黏膜及皮肤上出现出血点,血液检查可见白细胞总数增多 。 

Feline leukaemia this disease incubation period is longer, symptom each different, have certain difficulty so on clinical diagnosis. The main common symptoms are as follows: gastrointestinal lymphoma is mainly characterized by b-cell lymphoma in intestinal lymphoid tissues or mesenteric lymph nodes. External abdominal contact pressure viscera can feel a different shape of the mass, liver, kidney, spleen enlargement. Clinically visible mucosa pale, anemia, weight loss, loss of appetite, sometimes vomiting diarrhea.

This type accounts for about 30% of all cases. Multiple lymph nodes were enlarged in multiple parts of the body in multiple lymphomas. All the lymph nodes on the surface of the body could touch the enlarged lumps (submaxillary, anterior shoulder, anterior knee, groin, etc.). The affected cats show emaciation, anemia, diet reduction, depression and other symptoms. Thymic lymphoma type tumor cells are often characterized by T cells, with the entire thymic tissue replaced by tumor tissue in severe cases. Some spread mediastinum front and phrenic lymph node, because mediastinum and box lymphatic form tumor, press chest to form hydrothorax, can cause serious breath difficulty, make suffer from cat mouth to breathe, cause circulatory obstacle, expression is very painful.

The presence of a mass in the chest was seen on X-ray. Clinical anatomy of the cat mediastinal lymphatic tumor up to 300-500 grams. This type is more common in young cats. This type of lymphoblastic leukemia often has typical clinical symptoms. The initial appearance was abnormal proliferation of bone marrow cells. Dilatation of the spleen's red pulp by white blood cells can lead to the proliferation of malignant cells and enlargement of the spleen, liver, and lymph nodes.

Clinically, intermittent fever, decreased appetite, emaciated organism, pale mucosa, hemorrhagic spots appear on mucosa and skin, and the total number of white blood cells is increased. 

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